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Vishal Kanji




Our service thrives on delivering an innovative, passionate and professional service. We believe in working with the patient to ensure their health, fitness and wellbeing are the forefront.. Vishal is an experienced Physiotherapist with a specialist interests in sports injuries and Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy.


Vishal acquired his BSc in Physiotherapy was from the University of Herefordshire and also holds a BSc in Sport Science from Brunel University. Vishal was a physiotherapist at the Royal National Orthopeadic Hospital, University College London Hospital and Arsenal Football Clubs Youth Academy. Here he developed a wide understanding of patient injuries, illnesses and the management of these conditions. In 2017 Vishal then started his fulltime employment with Middlesex County Cricket Club where he is now based. Vishal has cared and rehabilitated various cricketers with injuries at the elite and elite academy level. 


Vishal’s Philosophy is that management must be individualised to the patient and a combination of patient history, examination findings and specialist results make up an effective treatment plan. Vishal works closely with the patient to ensure their health and goals are at the forefront of any treatment. 


Vishal thrives for excellence and has a specialist interest in spinal rehabilitation in fast bowlers. Vishal has rehabilitated fast bowlers with severe stress fractures who have gone on to play first team cricket. Vishal also has particular interest in musculoskeletal care and has developed specific sports rehabilitation protocols for a variety of injuries to ensure a comprehensive elite level rehabilitation is always delivered. 


Vishal also has a passion and specialist interest in the development of youth athletes. Through Vishal’s experiences as the Head Middlesex Cricket Youth Academy, there is a key emphasis on ensuring movements competence is achieved, injury prevention plans are prescribed and performance driven goals are met. His work helps those individuals who thrive to achieve excellence, whilst maintaining elite level health and performance. 


We also provide a fitness service were we have specific specialist interests in weight loss, body composition management and nutrition. After a 50kg transformation himself, Vishal is extremely passionate about fitness/wellbeing and runs regular 10k's to half marathons. Vishal understands the difficulties in behaviour change and is determined and passionate to help others in achieving fitness goals, weight loss and a healthier lifestyle. 

Professional Qualifications â€‹


  • The Shoulder: "Theory and Practise" - The London Shoulder Clinic

  • Advanced Sports Pitch Side Trauma - Lubas Medical

  • Kinesiology Sport Taping - University of Hertfordshire

  • BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy- University of Hertfordshire  

  • BSc (Hons) Sports Science- Brunel University

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